Evaluation quick start
This quick start will get you up and running with our evaluation SDK and Experiments UI.
1. Install LangSmith
- Python
- TypeScript
pip install -U langsmith
yarn add langsmith
2. Create an API key
To create an API key head to the Settings page. Then click Create API Key.
3. Set up your environment
- Shell
export LANGCHAIN_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
4. Run your evaluation
- Python
- TypeScript
Requires langsmith>=0.1.145
from langsmith import evaluate, Client
# 1. Create and/or select your dataset
client = Client()
dataset = client.clone_public_dataset(
# 2. Define an evaluator
def is_concise(outputs: dict, reference_outputs: dict) -> bool:
return len(outputs["answer"]) < (3 * len(reference_outputs["answer"]))
# 3. Define the interface to your app
def chatbot(inputs: dict) -> dict:
return {"answer": inputs["question"] + " is a good question. I don't know the answer."}
# 4. Run an evaluation
experiment_prefix="my first experiment "
import { Client } from "langsmith";
import { evaluate } from "langsmith/evaluation";
import type { EvaluationResult } from "langsmith/evaluation";
import type { Run, Example } from "langsmith/schemas";
// 1. Define a dataset
const client = new Client();
const datasetName = "my first dataset"
const dataset = await client.clonePublicDataset(
{ datasetName: datasetName }
// 2. Define an evaluator
function isConcise(rootRun: Run, example: Example): EvaluationResult {
const score = rootRun.outputs?.outputs.length < 3 * example.outputs?.answer.length;
return { key: "is_concise", score: score };
// 3. Run an evaluation
// For more info on evaluators, see: https://docs.smith.langchain.com/concepts/evaluation#evaluators
await evaluate(
(exampleInput) => {
return {
answer: exampleInput.question + " Good question. I don't know the answer"
}, {
data: datasetName,
evaluators: [isConcise],
experimentPrefix: "my first experiment ",
5. View Experiments UI
Click the link printed out by your evaluation run to access the LangSmith Experiments UI, and explore the results of your evaluation.
Next steps
For conceptual explanations see the Conceptual guide. See the How-to guides for answers to “How do I….?” format questions. For end-to-end walkthroughs see Tutorials. For comprehensive descriptions of every class and function see the API reference.